Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So we've won all of our season games. Yay!!! GO LOBOS!!! It is sooo much fun! I love playing. It's great. We still have things we have to work on, but Coach says we've come a long way. I'll keep you updated.

Friday, December 14, 2007


We're 3 and 0 in our season. (Undefeated.) We've beaten Diamond Fork, Springville, and Payson. We just started playing a zone defense. It's pretty good in my opinion. I haven't been on for a while, but someone was saying i was tagged. So six random facts about me... here it goes.

1) Oranges are my new favorite fruit in the winter.
2) I wish I had spidey-powers. Or Batman's intelligence. Either or.
3) I think global warming is a lie.
4) I wish I ran the oil companies in the Middle East.
5) Umm.... I think most janitors smell funny.
6) If I could be any fruit, I would be a tangerine.

There, I hope that helped you... I tag... my dad?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

WE WON!!!!!

So we won our first season game against Diamond Fork. It was so much fun. I got to play post and I think I made 3 shots, maybe 4. We have another game tomorrow against Murray. They're supposed to be pretty good. I hope we win. It's a pre season game after the season started. They didn't schedule soon enough.