Thursday, July 17, 2008

So I haven't written anything for a long time. I don't know if any of you know this, but I like to draw... I just started drawing batman (mostly because i'm so excited for the new movie) and he's fun to draw :-) So, as soon as I can scan them, I'll put them on... i've gone to a basketball camp up in cedar city, and the sophomore coach is awesome so i'm really excited for try outs this year, and because no one else from my team has gone to any of the things we've done this summer. Like right now we're doing a weight lifting program and next week we're doing a shooting clinic, my dad is a little upset that they haven't called him to come down and show them all how to shoot. just kidding. I'm riding in a horse parade on monday... yay! I also can't wait to get my schedule for HIGH SCHOOL! But I don't know whether or not (depending on if my english teacher is Coach Johnson {the varsity coach}) to transfer teachers if i don't get who I want. I'm also transferring out of swimming (yuck) into social dance. I'm also taking an Advanced Conditioning class which, Coach Johnson told me to Transfer into the class she's teaching. I'm really excited...


Amy Coontz said...

Your picture is so great!!! Sounds like you are having a very busy summer, that's a good thing. I hope you at least let your Dad show you how to shoot;)
Miss ya,
Aunt Amy

Cooper Urmston said...
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Candice Lynn said...

Holy crap, lady-you are amazing at the art.

Stake Camp Directors said...

We all know how talented you are! We love our cousin Kaitlin
Aunt Linda

Dean and Maryellen said...

Kaitlin, don't get to puffed up over this. You are remarkable. I love how you can do anything you put your mind to. The picture is great, have fun in the parade and most of all have a wonderful fun time in high school.
love you and looking forward to spending some time with you next summer.
love, grandma

Urmston Family said...

Your Batman picture is great. We will be up in Utah on Monday and we can't wait to see you.

Tanner said...

Man kaitlin! you are an awesome artist! I wish I could do that. My drawings are probably more like coopers though.